Good manner dictate that you never bring the subject up, not in polite society or in the presence of your dearest friend. Many modern commercials seem to portray discussions about bowel movements as idle tea chatter and that is simply not the case. This subject is hard to approach even with the trusted, family physician. Everyone has a colon that much can be asserted, but very few people want to know what it does. Ignorance is not bliss in this case; in fact, it could damage your health. It's high time the subject of colon cleansing herbs came out from behind closed doors.
Popular talk show host, Dr. Phil, maintains that you cannot change what you don't acknowledge. Along those lines, do you really know what denotes a healthy bowel movement? Let's get through the details quickly and move along to something more pleasant. Many physicians will tell you that most of today's illnesses begin with bowel problems. Bowel movements are brown in color measuring about one or two feet long. They may also be tinged with green. Any variation from this description may indicate that a proper round of colon cleansing herbs would not come amiss. Do take a backward glance after you've had a sit down and evaluate the situation. Do it just for the sake of your health.
Colon cleansing herbs come in pre-made formula form or in single herb form. Psyllium husks are very popular and have a good reputation of softening waste in the colon which aids in easy expulsion. You may find Psyllium husks combined with other herbs that act sympathetically with its function such as licorice, acidophilus, marshmallow root, and dandelion root. Other herbal formulas for colon cleansing are not for oral use but intended to be added to the contents of an enema bag.
After clearing the colonic decks with a good treatment of colonic cleansing herbs, have a look at what's in the cupboard. If you're serious about your health, processed food must go or you will be right back where you started in no time at all. Don't backslide, move forward toward good colonic health.
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