The Sakura blossoms as they are called in Japanese are a huge tourist attraction and are part of a spring festival that takes place in Japan every year. The celebrations include huge fireworks shows and much drinking and partying. If you think Japan is full of quiet, withdrawn people then you haven't been to Japan during their spring Sakura festival. Japanese culture is all about nature and in Haikus any reference to the cherry blossoms is a reference to spring and the joy of new life. The cherry blossoms have become so popular that they are instantly recognizable as a symbol of Japan. Their incredible beauty and ephemeral nature has come to represent human life in Japanese culture.
Plum blossoms also find their way out of the cold and snow in spring, although much earlier in the season than cherry blossoms. These delicate purple buds are considerably less celebrated than the Sakura blossoms, however during the Edo and Momoyama periods they were all the rage in Japan, becoming the focus of painting compositions. Japanese painting is a search for perfection, a Japanese artist can dedicate his or her life to perfectly capturing the essence of a Plum blossom in spring or a cherry blossom and will dedicate twenty or thirty years only to painting these flowers.
The Iris and Morning Glory are also to be found seasonally in Japan. Irises are also spring flowers with beautiful dark purple petals and a complementary yellow inner ring. Morning Glories are gorgeous blue flowers that bloom in the morning and fade by late afternoon. Seasonal flowers are important in Japanese poetry and literature as the Japanese are very much concerned with subtlety and so any reference to a Sakura blossom indicates the poem is set near the end of spring and so on. Ceramic ornaments, lacquered dishes and kimonos are often decorated with highly stylized versions of these seasonal flowers.
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